الوادي جروب للاثاث الراقي

الجمعة، 8 أكتوبر 2010

برنامج لن تجده في اي موقع اخر Idea Spectrum Realtime Landscaping Architect v2.06-RED - منتديات الأفق

برنامج لن تجده في اي موقع اخر Idea Spectrum Realtime Landscaping Architect v2.06-RED - منتديات الأفق

Idea Spectrum Realtime Landscaping Architect v2.06-REDT

Description: Realtime Landscaping Architect includes everything you need to design professional landscape plans and presentations. Create photo-based designs, plan drawings, and even full 3D walkthroughs with this easy-to-use software. No prior CAD experience is required. Design houses, decks, fencing, yards, gardens, swimming pools, water features, and much more with easy-to-use tools. Give your plans a hand-drawn look using a wide variety of plant symbols and color washes. Add plant labels automatically using the wizard, and add a plant legend with just a few mouse clicks. As you design your landscape, the 2D and 3D views are updated automatically. Freely switch between views as needed. Design houses, decks, and other objects in 2D, and then switch to 3D to set their elevation. Most tools can be used in either view.

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