DigiEffects Plugins for AE for CS4-CS5
Aged Film v1.3
Turn back the clock with Aged Film and show which era you set your shot.
Features and Benefits:
* New host support: EDIUS
* Supports a wide range of other host applications including Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Premiere
Pro, Combustion, and Boris RED.
* Includes the ability to customize characteristics such as grain, dust, scratches, frame jitter and
color and all those little details that tell the viewer that they’re looking at historical footage.
* The ability to deinterlace and control source blend and random seed.
* All effects are rendered in 16bpc.
* All Aged Film effects can be animated over time in After Effects.
* Includes dozens of presets such as 8mm, armageddon, grandpa’s attic, old home video,
scratched film, shaky projector, speakeasy, the 70s and much more.
* Fast rendering.
Atmosphere v1.4
Now you can add true 3 dimensional atmospheric falloff in After Effects. No more adding\ semi-
transparent solids between your 3D layers to simulate fog or haze. With Atmosphere you get
true three dimensional fog that gets denser as your layer stretches into the distance.
Use it with multiple layers separated in Z space or rotate your 3D layers on the X or Y axis and
watch them fade off into the distance.
This effect can be added to individual layers for fine control of the effect on each layer or applied
to an entire comp so the effect applies the same parameters to all layers. You have control over
where the fog starts and ends as well as how dense it is and how quickly it falls off.
The only other way to simulate this effect is with elaborate particle generators which add render
time and empty your wallet.
Camera Mapper v1.2.1
Digieffects once again pushes After Effects one step closer to a 3D application. Camera Mapper
takes one of the most popular features from top 3D applications and adds it to your After Effects
arsenal. Now you can turn any 2D image into a three dimensional wonder by simply aligning 3D
solids with features in your image.
Create multi-plane images with 3D parallax from any still image or project your image onto solids
rotated in 3D space to create 3 dimensional objects that move realistically when camera moves
are used. The possibilities are endless. Now instead of a video camera, all you need is a still
image and some imagination.
Key Features:
* Realistically create the illusion that a still image is fully dimensional moving footage.
* Subtly change the perspective of a shot, or animate it over time.
* Can be combined with 3D tracking to add or alter elements in a scene.
* Now you can step back in time and get another chance to move the camera.
* Allows you to stay in After Effects when working with fully dimensional models.
Damage v2.1
You’ve been talking and we’ve been listening. To all of you who thirst to wreak more havoc, the
scores of you who wish to take all that is beautiful and render it visual debris, and for those of you
who have been writing us about all the electronic carnage you daydream about if only you had a
way to do it faster, with more options…
…AND we’ve created Damage 2.0. All the ancient evil of analog signal defects in Skew and
Interference, the modern, coldly unsympathetic digital malfunction of Artifact and stockade…and
now, we’ve harnessed the incompetence at the source. Two new effects in the Damage toolbox,
Destabilize and Overexpose, allow you to go back in time…and not only corrupt your footage, but
also ruin the image of the camera operator…
Falloff Lighting v1.3.2
Another bright idea from Digieffects! Falloff Lighting brings a much needed improvement to the
After Effects lighting system. With Falloff Lighting applied, 3D layers further from the light source
are dimmer than layers that are closer, just like real world lights!
Get realistic light falloff, intense hotspots and enhanced shadow interaction. What’s all of that
mean? Lighting that looks like and behaves like real world lighting! You can apply this effect to
individual layers for fine control, or apply it to an entire composition which effects all layers with
the same settings.
Free Form Displacer 1.62
Displacer brings true three dimensional displacement mapping to After Effects. Displacement
maps can of course be animated, adding effects like rippling water or blowing flags in full 3D
perspective – no faking. Use mesh subdivision to raise and lower the density of your mesh , and
anti-aliasing settings to work quickly and then switch to a fully refined result.
Free Form Mesh Warp v1.62
3D Mesh Warp adds a third dimension to what you already do with After Effects’ built-in Mesh
Warp tool. Select how many rows and columns you divide the image into, then manipulate the
control tangents to create cylinders, curves, ribbons, folding cards, an infinite amount of three
dimensional shapes.
Free Form 1.62
3D Mesh Warp adds a third dimension to what you already do with After Effects’ built-in Mesh
Warp tool. Select how many rows and columns you divide the image into, then manipulate the
control tangents to create cylinders, curves, ribbons, folding cards, an infinite amount of three
dimensional shapes.
All plugins are compatible with Adobe After Effects CS4 and CS5
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