الوادي جروب للاثاث الراقي

الأحد، 29 مايو 2011

Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 full - منتديات الأفق

Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 full - منتديات الأفق

Adobe Premiere Pro  CS5.5  full
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 full | 1.46 GB
AdobePremiere Pro CS5.5 software lets you edit faster with true nativeformat support. Get breakthrough performance on workstations andlaptops streamline collaboration and boost productivity with anefficient, robust, cross-platform editing workflow. Tell your storywith maximum impact using Adobe Premiere Pro software.
thestart-to-finish solution for efficient video production that nowincludes Adobe OnLocation and Adobe Encore. Save time from on-setcapture using Adobe OnLocation through to output, expand your creativeoptions via integration with Adobe After Effects Professional and theAdobe Photoshop program, and deliver your orignal content to Blu-rayDisc, DVD, the web and mobile devices.

Experience industry-leading performance
Work in real time
Streamline production with a native file-based workflow
Take advantage of broad format support
Enjoy the convenience of Adobe integration
Achieve creative excellence
Collaborate through third-party workflow integration
Get better output faster with Adobe Media Encoder and more¦


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