الوادي جروب للاثاث الراقي

الاثنين، 25 أبريل 2011

Final Cut Pro 7 - منتديات الأفق

Final Cut Pro 7 - منتديات الأفق

Final Cut Pro 7
Final Cut Studio Pro 7 | 3.4Gb

Apple Final Cut Studio is a tool that delivers up to 2.5x the performance when running on a MacBook Pro notebook computer.

Final Cut Studio features state-of-the-art tools that complement Final Cut Pro 5 including Soundtrack Pro, a revolutionary audio editing and sound design application that makes video projects sound as good as they look; Motion 2, the world's first real-time motion graphics application with GPU accelerated 32-bit float rendering; and DVD Studio Pro 4 for professional DVD authoring.


· A Macintosh computer with a 1.25GHz or faster PowerPC G4, PowerPC G5, Intel Core Duo, or Intel Xeon processor
· 1GB of RAM
· An AGP or PCI Express Quartz Extreme graphics card (Final Cut Studio is not compatible with integrated Intel graphics processors)
· A display with 1024-by-768 resolution or higher
· QuickTime 7.3 or later
· DVD drive for installation

Final Cut Pro 7

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