الوادي جروب للاثاث الراقي

الجمعة، 29 أبريل 2011

Arcon 3D Architektur Designer v.7.0 - منتديات الأفق

Arcon 3D Architektur Designer v.7.0 - منتديات الأفق

Arcon 3D Architektur Designer v.7.0 | 648 MB

  • Arcon eleco professional - this is one of the most unique programs, designers in the field of architecture and design, which already use a huge amount of thousands of builders, of course, architects and designers, we can not forget about the realtor, and of course just an amateur. Using the software Arcon home and you become a modeller, and shtukaturschikom, and of course designer.
  • A And you should not walk into a supermarket in search of suitable tools and paints. Arcon eleco 2007 has it in itself and will give you the right set of tools. Do you work in accounting and not enough sense in the brushes, the play of light in the room and the linoleum? Easy! Arcon eleco 2007 will give you a unique chance to choose anything you require any type and even color. You can make a sketch placement of your rooms, and subsequently generate an overall plan. After this program will create an interior and exterior walls of your cottage. By using an ordinary pipette, you'll be able to transfer any textures and materials from one object to another. In the software contains a library of different little things that should be in place: every possible detail of the interior, carpeting, even types of wood! More in general about 4 thousand different objects. Nowadays it's all become available to you in a comfortable time for you day and night. Make it your own, start your PC and start to do! In designing a format you can choose one or another object environment, modify it as desired, and then generally move to another location. The format of registration you will be able to accommodate a balcony, fireplace, arches, and move, if you are struck with a new idea. You can also select a property of one object and move it to the second. In this case, you should help the only one your mouse. It also lets you do more or less the wall of your kitchen or hallway. That is very important: in case the wall in the room suddenly increased by 3 meters, the window and the door will move instantly. Later you will be able to fit everything to your liking. By the way, the wall may be in addition round. You should try it, began to appear again developed features the introduction of information. If you are not easy to imagine their future cottage in bulk form, and when you're in design mode, it creates its ArCon 3D design time. Wherever located your house (on a steep hill near the waterfall on the beach or downtown), the system will find you any landscape, and then change it. For those users who are familiar with the architecture, design becomes accessible kitchens, bedrooms, corridors, buildings, and further linking them into one project with option drag & drop. in addition there is the possibility to quickly create a plan with accurate dimensions, there appeared an additional field labels. access, special database from which you can get the right texture and tools, rather than from different files, as there was in earlier versions of software. The program then automatically creates interior and exterior walls of any house

Archicad 14 hotfix 3 build 3636 for MacOSX +crk - منتديات الأفق

Archicad 14 hotfix 3 build 3636 for MacOSX +crk - منتديات الأفق

Archicad 14 hotfix 3 build 3636 for MacOSX +crk

Archicad 14 hotfix 3 build 3636 for MacOSX +crk | 170.97 MB

ArchiCAD 14 continues delivering productivity improvements for architects throughout the full cycle of the BIM workflow with a specific focus on completing the integration of the architectural workflow with the engineering world. Great architecture requires collaboration of all design disciplines. Architects have a central role in coordinating all aspects of their design with other disciplines during the entire design process. ArchiCAD 14 turns IFC technology into full-fledged workflow solutions enabling collaboration with engineers regardless of their discipline or the name and version of the application they prefer working with. This "open" approach to interdisciplinary collaboration greatly broadens designers' options for real Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) resulting in faster delivered projects and significantly less coordination errors.

Open Design Collaboration
ArchiCAD 14 introduces workflow solutions that help bridge the different requirements for BIM models between architects and the various engineering disciplines of the AEC industry. Model mapping, element classification, IFC reference model version tracking and change management support help the coordination between architects and engineers become a smooth and automatic process. ArchiCAD 14 also moves forward with developments to its revolutionary BIM Server based Teamwork solution, further optimizing the management of design teams working on shared BIM projects.

Best-in-Class BIM Workflow
Productivity improvements to this latest version of ArchiCAD focus on the most requested global and local customer wishes. Enriched details to modeling construction elements, better 3D visualization, enhanced 2D drafting, improved handling of libraries and library parts, and refined user interactions are all included in the impressive list of productivity improvements. The results are faster and more polished design and documentation workflows with improved communication capabilities both with clients and consultants, making ArchiCAD 14 the premier BIM solution for architects worldwide.



الاثنين، 25 أبريل 2011

Evermotion Archmodels Volume - 51 to 55 - منتديات الأفق

Evermotion Archmodels Volume - 51 to 55 - منتديات الأفق

Evermotion Archmodels Volume - 51 to 55
Evermotion Archmodels Volume - 51 to 55 | 6.62 GB

Archmodels vol. 51
This collection comes with 77 models of kitchen accessory where you can find pots, coffee, wine, books, beer, plates, kettles, cuttings, boards,bowls, salts, peppers, ice, cream, candles, knives.

Archmodels vol. 52
This collection comes with 60 models of trees, leaves and bushes.

Archmodels Vol. 53
This collection comes with 70 models of office furniture, where you can find tables,Shelfs, cabinets, chest of drawers, desks.

Archmodels vol. 54
This collection includes 120 models of restaurant furniture. You will find here a great variety of table and chair sets.

Archmodels vol. 55
comes with 38 models of street vehicles and ships.


Mirror 1 :

Mirror 2 :


Doors 3D Models Collection - منتديات الأفق

MacBook Pro 13" 2011 Mac OS X Install DVD - منتديات الأفق

MacBook Pro 13" 2011 Mac OS X Install DVD - منتديات الأفق

MacBook Pro 13" 2011 Mac OS X Install DVD
MacBook Pro 13" 2011 Mac OS X Install DVD | 7.3GB

This is an image of the Install DVD that is bundled with the new 2011 Macbook Pro's, These are the macbook pros which come with the new ATI 6750M graphics and thunderbolt port.

Features of MacBook Pro (MBP) 2011 Refresh:

* Next-generation Intel Sandy Bridge quad-core and dual-core CPU processors.
* Integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 processor with switchable graphics to AMD Radeon graphics processor on the 15-inch and 17-inch MacBook Pro.
* Thunderbolt port for plug-and-play performance with up to size Thunderbolt peripherals or devices, as well as with the Apple LED Cinema Display and other Mini DisplayPort peripherals. Adapters are available for HDMI, VGA, DVI, and DisplayPort compatible devices.
* FaceTime HD camera for 720p HD video calls from one new MacBook Pro to another, or to other Intel-based Mac computers,4 iPhone 4, or the new iPod touch.
* Multi-Touch trackpad.
* Longer lasting battery.
* 802.11n wireless and Bluetooth support.
* 8x SuperDrive DVD writer.
* New SDXC card slot on the 13- and 15-inch MacBook Pro models supports up to 64GB cards.
* ExpressCard/34 slot on the 17-inch MacBook Pro for an eSATA adapter or a 3G wireless card.
* Two USB 2.0 ports (three on the 17-inch MacBook Pro) and a FireWire 800 port let you connect your iPad, iPod, iPhone, digital cameras, and external hard drives.

Macbook Pro 13-inch 2011 Install DVD - 10.6.6

Name: Macbook Pro 13" 2011 Install DVD
Version: - 10.6.6
Mac Platform: Intel

MacBook Pro 13" 2011 Mac OS X Install DVD

Apple Final Cut Server Unlimited v1.5 - منتديات الأفق

Apple Final Cut Server Unlimited v1.5 - منتديات الأفق

Apple Final Cut Server Unlimited v1.5 MacOSX ISO | 1.27GB

Final Cut Server 1.5 frees up even more time for creative work, with new features that make it exceptionally flexible and easy to use. Final Cut Server can manage thousands of assets, execute dozens of routine production tasks, and keep every member of your team in sync - all while you continue working.
Easy asset cataloging

Final Cut Server automatically catalogs your assets along with a wide range of standard metadata and creates proxies, thumbnails, and poster frames at the same time.

Blazing fast searches
Find assets instantly with comprehensive search tools, personalized workspaces, and Production containers that let you organize the assets you need without copying files.

Point and click automation
Set up automated events and status notifications in minutes. Get started fast with a workflow template, then customize your setup for complete control. Learn more

Seamless collaboration
Safely share your assets and efficiently divide tasks using check in/check out protections, version management, and review and approval tools that are tightly integrated with Final Cut Studio.

Multiformat delivery
Deliver projects in multiple formats from H.264 for iPhone and the web to ProRes 422 (Proxy) for editing to 4K for Digital Intermediates with pristine encoding powered by Compressor.

Flexible configuration
Easily set up Final Cut Server to fit your workflow, with server software that scales from one user to hundreds of users and client software that runs on PCs as well a

Install with any of these serials:

NOTE: You should always prevent the app from updating by using
the built-in update system. A firewall like Little Snitch
should help
If you wish to update, do it with a standalone update
package from Apple's support site

Apple Final Cut Server Unlimited v1.5

Final Cut Pro 7 - منتديات الأفق

Final Cut Pro 7 - منتديات الأفق

Final Cut Pro 7
Final Cut Studio Pro 7 | 3.4Gb

Apple Final Cut Studio is a tool that delivers up to 2.5x the performance when running on a MacBook Pro notebook computer.

Final Cut Studio features state-of-the-art tools that complement Final Cut Pro 5 including Soundtrack Pro, a revolutionary audio editing and sound design application that makes video projects sound as good as they look; Motion 2, the world's first real-time motion graphics application with GPU accelerated 32-bit float rendering; and DVD Studio Pro 4 for professional DVD authoring.


· A Macintosh computer with a 1.25GHz or faster PowerPC G4, PowerPC G5, Intel Core Duo, or Intel Xeon processor
· 1GB of RAM
· An AGP or PCI Express Quartz Extreme graphics card (Final Cut Studio is not compatible with integrated Intel graphics processors)
· A display with 1024-by-768 resolution or higher
· QuickTime 7.3 or later
· DVD drive for installation

Final Cut Pro 7

Adobe After Effects CS5 [MacOSX64] - منتديات الأفق

Adobe After Effects CS5 [MacOSX64] - منتديات الأفق

Adobe After Effects CS5 [MacOSX64]
Adobe After Effects CS5 [MacOSX64] | 1.3GB


Create motion graphics and visual effects with the industry standard
Whether you're working in broadcast and film or delivering work online and to
mobile devices, Adobe After Effects CS5 software enables you to create
groundbreaking motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects.


1.Run the dmg.
2.Run the "Adobe_After_Effects_Install.dmg"
3.Install, DO NOT run it when done.
4.Open the 'Terminal' application and paste the following:
sudo /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit /etc/hosts

5. Paste the the following text between localhost and

Activation Blocker hl2rcv.adobe.com t3dns.adobe.com 3dns-1.adobe.com 3dns-2.adobe.com 3dns-3.adobe.com 3dns-4.adobe.com activate.adobe.com activate-sea.adobe.com activate-sjc0.adobe.com activate.wip.adobe.com activate.wip1.adobe.com activate.wip2.adobe.com activate.wip3.adobe.com activate.wip4.adobe.com adobe-dns.adobe.com adobe-dns-1.adobe.com adobe-dns-2.adobe.com adobe-dns-3.adobe.com adobe-dns-4.adobe.com ood.opsource.net practivate.adobe practivate.adobe.com tpractivate.adobe.newoa practivate.adobe.ntp practivate.adobe.ipp ereg.adobe.com ereg.wip.adobe.com ereg.wip1.adobe.com ereg.wip2.adobe.com ereg.wip3.adobe.com ereg.wip4.adobe.com wip.adobe.com wip1.adobe.com wip2.adobe.com wip3.adobe.com wip4.adobe.com www.wip.adobe.com www.wip1.adobe.com www.wip2.adobe.com www.wip3.adobe.com www.wip4.adobe.com wwis-dubc1-vip60.adobe.com

6.Save the document (Command+S) @

7.Run After Effects and enter the serial from below.
8.Your Welcome.

Working serial can be found inside file

Adobe After Effects CS5 [MacOSX64]