الوادي جروب للاثاث الراقي

الأحد، 19 سبتمبر 2010

Biomedical Electron Microscopy: Illustrated Methods and Interpretations - منتديات الأفق

Biomedical Electron Microscopy: Illustrated Methods and Interpretations - منتديات الأفق

Biomedical Electron Microscopy: Illustrated Methods and Interpretations
Biomedical Electron Microscopy: Illustrated Methods and Interpretations
pages | Dec 12, 2007 |ISBN: | PDF | 8 Mb

This comprehensive reference illustrates optimal preparation methods in biological electron microscopy compared with common methodological problems. Not only will the basic methodologies of transmission electron microscopy like fixation, microtomy, and microscopy be presented, but the authors also endeavor to illustrate more specialized techniques such as negative staining, autoradiography, cytochemistry, immunoelectron microscopy, and computer-assisted image analysis.

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